the family I mean the Goose is getting fat.

twirling girls in their lovely dresses.
The girls soccer team had a great time at the soccer PJ party (my house). It got wild at times, but a nice break from the drills and rigorous training they do each week. We started out with a fun gathering game (questions marked on a soccer ball), then made bracelets in Avalanche colors (like the ones from Girls Camp), ate Pizza and snacks, had a crazy gift exchange, and they unanimously voted on the movie; Elf. Tons of giggles and a hide and seek game in between, they had a ball. Ha, do you like the nerd pictures Sophie instigated? She cracks us up. Thanks Leslie for hosting the fun party with me!

Paul's Company Party
Such a beautiful night downtown with my sweetie. Pampered with a nice banquet and good entertainment; a local boy band playing popular songs from now and the 80’s (they were good, they opened for the Beach Boys recently), and had some funny candid interaction with the group. A pleasant company party, one of the better ones! So thankful for the strong company Paul works for and the good people he works with, and they sure appreciate him. It’s sad to see and hear of all the businesses going under lately, way too many families are struggling, and many people we know that our hearts go out too. All you can do is keep praying, work hard, and help others around you :)

Sub for Santa, the girls were happy to help! They were involved in the shopping, wrapping party, and a heartfelt delivery.

Josh’s fun group for the Christmas sweater dance

Ice skating and tubing for the day date, then met here for dinner before the dance

I prepared an Italian meal, while Trevor and the girls watched Home Alone upstairs, Paul was on late
Lasagna and Chicken Alfredo
Green Salad & Olive Garden style homemade dressing
French cut green beans
Garlic Parmesan Baguette (yum!)
Cranberry sparkling Christmas drink
Andes mint (dessert was planned after the dance, at another house)
They thought I was the best cook ever, didn’t tell them the Lasagna & Chicken Alfredo was freshly prepared at Costco, hey I still cooked it :)

To-die-for garlic parmesan bread

Homemade Olive Garden salad and dressing

Also, proud of my girls for keeping up on the heavy load at school this month. Along with the regular monthly book report, poem to present, and big tests in history and math (squished in a short school month already), they also added a 3rd grade project (Native American book report with project). It was due yesterday, and today the other book report is due, a poem to pass off, and a history exam to ace. I’m thankful for good schools and teachers, but this is a bit overkill for 8 and 9 year olds, don’t you think? (3rd grade seems to be the busiest, that was my biggest pet peeve while I taught here). But the girls kept up on it all by doing homework often times in the car and taking their book everywhere we went, and keeping their projects good but simple. Good job girls, for making your deadlines and doing well! We’re all looking forward to a nice Christmas break.
Merry Christmas!