They say it's my birthday, but how many times can a girl turn 34?

I decided to believe them and enjoy the pampering. I definitely needed chocolate! My mom treated me to a scrumptious lunch at "The Cheesecake Factory". The chocolate Tuxedo cheesecake dessert was to die for!

Then we hit the mall for a quick shopping spree-
Nordstroms. Thanks mom for the cute outfit, can't wait to wear it! Chocolate & new clothes, can't beat that!

Then off to the Parade of Homes. It's been a few years since I've been able to get away and enjoy the parade of homes, so this year Paul treated me for my birthday. We thoroughly enjoyed finding our favorite styles, critiquing the homes, and getting ideas. Plus, as a designer, I plan on getting back into decorating and space planning in a couple of years while my children are in school, it was good insight.
Thanks Paul for getting off early and making it such a special day. I can't wait to use the massage certificate you surprised me with. So thoughtful!

This upstairs bonus room was a girls haven, S & S loved it!

Then we met up with our boys for a great dinner at "Texas Roadhouse"

Sophie thought it was great be able to drop her peanut shells on the floor!
Not the best picture of my boys, they forgot how to smile, but it's all I had of them together for the day. I can't do a birthday post without my boys!

Thanks everyone for not letting me forget my birthday and making it so special! I also appreciate the emails and cards, thoughtful homemade gifts from my kids, and the beautiful homemade card from Mom B. What a great day!
Today also marks our 2 year Gotcha Day Anniversary (best b-day ever!). We've had our girls now for 2 years. It's hard to put into words how much they've added to our lives. It seems like just yesterday they were placed (actually walked) into our arms, yet it feels like they've been with us forever. I couldn't imagine life without them. They've bonded and adjusted so well, they've completed our family and blessed our lives as we have blessed theirs. They are such a joy- we love you Sophie & Sage!