A is for acquaintances. So thankful for our friends, family, and neighbors!
B is for Basketball. Trevor (5th grade) is our Jr. Jazz player this year.
C is for Custom Decorators, Dianne ♥'s her new job as a Design Consultant.
D is for daring, we are daring to have five kids :)
E is for Eagle. Nick (our senior) earned his this year! We’ll have the ceremony after Christmas.
F is for Fridays. My volunteer day at the kids school, they like having mom come, then its adult time that evening with my sweety.
G is for gospel. We are grateful for a living prophet, our testimonies, and for the gospel in our lives!
H is for Hooray. Trevor won first place in his Pinewood Derby out of 30 cars, they all did great!
I is for “In”. Sophie and Sage (1st grade) love soccer and making it in the goal and I had fun being their coach this fall. Go Orange Rockets!
J is for Jesus. We honor and celebrate Him at Christmas time and throughout the year.
K is for Keeping Up. (Not with the Jones, but with life) Not always easy but worth it.
L is for Love. Paul & I celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary this year in Park City, same place where we spent our honeymoon.♥
M is for movie star (they wish). Our boys starred in Broadway Kidz this summer in the local theatre and Josh (9th grade) has a big role in his school play, performing next month.
N is for Nissan. Paul works hard as Finance Manager, we like our new Nissan Armada.
O is for Over the Moon. We are over the moon to have Sophie and Sage in our family, along with our boys, Nick, Josh, & Trev!
P is for Primary, where we hang out each Sunday. I serve in the presidency, Paul teaches Sophies and Sages class, and Trevor has a half year left before going to Young Men’s.
Q is for Quiet, someday we’ll have it, then we’ll probably miss the noise.
R is for road trips. This year we took some fun road trips to St. George, Midway, Flaming Gorge, Wolfcreek...
S is for Saxophone. Trevor is playing the saxophone in the band, just like his dad did.
T is for Temples. We enjoyed being a part of two beautiful new temples in our area and having them so close.
U is for Utah. It’s a great place to live.
V is for Volleyball. Josh’s team took third (close second) at Regionals. Go Summit Hawks!
W is for Wakeboarding. Our favorite summer sport.
X is for X-cellent, Nick lettered in swimming and is determined to keep getting faster. He swims the 500 & 200 meter and relays.
Y is for Yuck. Our economy, Swine flu, Math homework, & Asthma.
Z is for Zion’s National Park- it’s a beautiful place to hike and explore during Spring Break.
It’s good to hear from family and friends this time of year. We are grateful to remember the birth of our Savior and all he does for us. Sending warm wishes for a Merry Christmas and a wonderful 2010!
Paul, Dianne
Nick, Josh, Trevor, Sophie, & Sage

Trev (right) and his buddy on the Sax. Not bad for just learning this year, good job boys!