Yup, have to combine posts to keep up, not easy to find blog time lately. This is one of the busier months with Josh graduating, mission around the corner, girls soccer tournaments, end of year programs/activities, a few birthdays (haven’t even finished my cruise posts yet, coming)... Can’t complain though, I wouldn’t trade it for anything.
Paul’s Birthday landed on the day before Mother’s Day this year (Yay, we don’t have to share our pampering!)

Saturday morning he was able to sneak away to watch the girls soccer game downtown, luckily near his work. I’ll post later about the amazing game (someone got a hat trick, any guesses?), but he was so glad he got to see it, since he usually has to work during their games.

That evening we stole him from work and enjoyed a nice dinner at a favorite Chinese Restaurant. The girls enjoyed a Pizza, Movie night with Grandma (thanks mom)

Then a treat for my honey, off to Abravenal Hall to enjoy a great concert from “ThePianoGuys” with John Schmidt and Steven Sharp Nelson. We kept it a surprise, Paul didn’t know until we were seated what we were seeing. It was fabulous! We thoroughly enjoyed their talent, humor, and beautiful music. Alex Boye joined and sang his famous Coldplay Peponi song. If you haven’t heard it, you must here. It was a great night out with my boys and their awesome dad, Happy Birthday Pauly!

Nothing better then breakfast in bed on Mother’s Day. I even enjoyed the crunchy egg and extra thick smoothie, all made with love. They’re the best!
Homemade cards, decorated towels with coupons (girls), hand carved butterfly, beads (Josh), and a necklace (Trevor) that looked vaguely familiar, from my jewelry stash when I had my jewelry business, hee, he. It was perfect. Thanks family for making this day so special. So sweet to hear my girls sing in church today with their Activity Day group (I Often, Go Walking)!

Then off to see Paul’s mom, she liked the beautiful picture of Christ hugging her mother, Mary. I bought it during Women’s Conference so the artist signed it.
So blessed with a wonderful mother that has taught me much in life and is always there for me!

Josh tuned Grandma’s Ukulele, pretending we’re in Hawaii
Motherhood matters! There is nothing more important then what we do with our children here and now.
Hope everyone had a great Mother’s Day, including those who mentor and love others children (we have many of those in our lives)