Josh in brown shirt, Nick in black and white

Look at my fun boys. This was opening week-end of "Broadway Kidz- Hooray for Hollywood". They've put many hours into this and have some great parts. They wouldn't let me see the rehearsals (wanted to surprise me), except this one- I snuck in to get some pics. They're not in costume and lighting was bad, but I had to get pictures! No flash photography during the play.
Great show! I have thoroughly enjoyed watching them act, sing, and dance (they won't appreciate me telling everyone this). Keep up the good work boys!
I was brave and took Trevor(8) and the girls to see the show tonight, Paul had to work (We saw it on opening night). Yes, really brave- 1 adult, 2 busy 3 year olds, and a usually helpful, but also busy 8 year old to a 2 hour play. Sophie and Sage were so excited every time they saw Nick or Josh, they spent the whole play trying to see them on stage. Overall, it was a success with them and they sat still for most of the play, I'm sure the walk outside during intermission helped, they skipped :). Trevor was a great help and the generous lady next to us shared her popcorn with them;). After the show, they were both asleep on my lap and while I was waiting for the boys, 3 different ladies came to me and offered to help get them to the car. One gal even walked up to us and took their picture, right there asleep on my lap, thought they were so cute. (Kinda tacky, and I was surprised she didn't ask, but they were admiring the girls, it was sweet). I have to say, we live in a very nice community. Sometimes the attention gets annoying, but everywhere we go Sophie and Sage are enjoyed by others. They are loved by many! Thanks!