Had a fun pirate pool party...
He liked his new Spiderman suit,
and so did I (Sage), pretty scary huh?
Grandma D. came the next day to wish him a happy B-Day
My heart goes out to them, but they are troopers and survivors and I'm so proud of them!
Going through backpack I sent them
Here's Sweet Sophie and Sage today, they have been home for 10 months now, we're so glad they're a part of our family and they have had each other since day 1!!
Sophie and Sage have 3 big brothers that love them to pieces, Nick was out of town when pic was taken. I don't think they would mind sharing part of what they wrote...
Part of what Nick wrote... "they are really cool and I'm glad we could adopt them. They made our family a lot funner!"
Josh wrote... "I love them like they were our birth sisters. I know that you want the best for them and I just want you to know that they are very happy here. I love them just like you and I know how hard it was for you to give them up, but I'm glad you did anyway. Our family loves them very much and will take good care of them.
Trevor didn't quite know what to write, but it started like this...To Sophie and Sage's birth mom, We adopted your old daughters (made me laugh), and then he said how fun they are and how much he loves them :)
Such happy and smart girls! They are busy little girls and turning into little ladies. Sophie and Sage have made our family complete and I can't express the joy they have brought to our home and the love we have for them!!
Legacy of an Adopted Child
Once there were two women
who never knew each other
One you do not remember
the other you call Mother
Two different lives
shaped to make you one
One became your guiding star
the other became your sun
the first one gave you life
and the second taught you to live it
the first gave you a need for love
the second was there to give it
One gave you nationality
the other gave you a name
One gave you a talent
The other gave you aim
One gave you emotions
the other calmed your fears
One saw your first sweet smile
the other dried your tears
One sought for you a home that she could not provide
the other prayed for a child
and her hope was not denied
And now you ask me
through your tears the age old question
Unanswered through the years
Heredity or environment, which are you a product of?
Neither my darling
Just two different kinds of Love
Author Unknown
Been about 6 years since I've slept in a tent (air mattress a must!). It was so nice sleeping on the shore of Lake Powell, enjoying "dogs" & S'mores over a campfire, and introducing the desert night sky to S & S, exuberant stars. The weather was perfect and the lake was like bath water. Our future slalom girls loved being pulled on the tube, playing on the rock beach, and sleeping next to us in the tent. I loved hearing their giggles, watching them fall asleep in my arms while sight seeing the lake, and seeing their face light up to each new thing (campfire, riding in tube, watching Trevor jump into lake off rock...). They are great little travelers and have so much fun with their brothers. Magical times.
We did face a few snags... Our poor boat took a beating on this trip. On the way down, the travel cover flew off the boat, ripping out all the snaps, and taking out the side mirror of the car behind us- Oops. Then, on the lake, the back lounge deck cover gave in- great! When we were heading back to the Marina, we helped a stranded jet skier and her jet ski hit our boat, leaving a nice fortunately small crack in the back of our boat. What can you do? It could've been a lot worse and was still worth it all. We made it home safe and sound and had a blast! Now with a few minor repairs to do before we go out again.
Hiking up to lake- mom & Sophie
Stunning Twin Lakes
Dead tired
(Josh layed down, then they all joined :)
We had a delightful time at the lake... after a nice Sunday stroll around Silver Lake, we found a new trail and took the unexpected treacherous mile hike up the mountain to a lake (reservoir) we've never seen- Twin Lake Reservoir. It was stunning and worth hiking the steep terrain, except flip flops don't make great hiking shoes (I didn't plan this :). The girls were troopers and enjoyed it all, of course they got to ride- Dad & Nick carried them on their shoulders most the way up the mountain and half way down. Nick was such a great help and such an awesome brother, they sure enjoy having sisters!
I like candid shots best, but we just had to get professional pictures for their birthday. Sophie and Sage were so mellow in the studio, the photographer commented on how easy going they are, not realizing how apprehensive they were. The girls kept asking me to get in the picture with them, they did relax after awhile and we got some scrumptious smiles, especially from Sage :)
I've hardley had time to check my computer lately, let alone blog. It's been a good busy though. Sophie and Sage are doing well and are such a joy!! They had their last gymnastics class last week (Little Gym). They came so far in that class... They started getting excited each week to go to Little Gym and loved their last class, showing off what they had learned to parents. (pictures coming)
They started pre-school today (I think I cried more then the girls, not in front of them of course), and they started a fun dance class yesterday. Sounds like a lot, but it's spread out and it's so good for them. They were nervous at first, but joined right in and did very well! It's simply adorable!
Plus, my camera's on the fritz... especially sad because I got it in China. Yeh, I'm hard on camera's. I break it in, use it, and apparently abuse it it's been dropped a few times, but it was used tons... My husband just walked in with an early birthday present, A new camera!! Isn't he the best? I love it, get ready for some great pictures, as soon as I update all the pictures I must share from old one. He looked for a shock proof one, but this one takes better pictures, so I'll just have to be extra careful!! Extended Warranty? I just need more hands:)