Saturday, September 06, 2008

Saying Good-Bye :(

We love Lindsay!

Boys having fun!

Making friends

But here are our best friends! Swinging with Rollarblades?

Good-Bye Danny & Lindsay, for now, so glad you spent your last day with us. It was so fun!... Hope to see you real soon, we miss you already.

Enjoy CA, work hard so you can be our dentist someday Danny :)


Anonymous said...

How fun! What a great way to say goodbye! Fun day at the park!

Kelli said...

looks like a great day!

Laryl said...

Dianne...okay, so its been a YEAR since I ran into you at Costco, but I put this blog address in my purse..and whalla..I just found it again! Your blog is wonderful! It is SO fun to see your beautiful family. Now that you are in my computer, I plan on visiting regularly! (thought I better warn you ;-)

Poelmans said...

Awe, sad!!! Cute pictures! We miss you guys! Tell Sophie and Sage not to grow at all while we're away :)

Dianne said...

Laryl (college friend, Interior Design),

Glad you finally cleaned out your purse ;), So good to hear from you! I've been hoping to get in touch with you again.
Nice cooking blog, the Apricot Chicken looks delic, and I'm always looking for quick & healthy meals.
We need to catch up sometime soon.

Lindsay- As much as I tell Sophie & Sage they won't listen, they just keep growing :) They miss you and send big hugs!

Nice comments, thanks

Laryl said...

Hi again,
Just thought I'd leave my info..I'm

I'd love to catch up with you!

(I've been thinking about doing my own blog....we'll see.)