I finally found time to blog. Each time I would try to post, something would come up
or someone, usually named Sophie or Sage so I have terribly neglected my blog, but at least not my kids :). There is a lot going on this time of year- with 5 kids in 3 different schools, I've had my share of Back to School nights and Parent Orientations, now PTC is right around the corner, then it should slow down. I'm so thankful for g00d schools and fabulous teachers, and carpools. I only need to drive in the mornings now, big thanks to Jill & Becky, and I'm able to pass on the help to others. I love good education and seeing my family learn, enjoy and do well in school, it makes it all worth it.
I'm also finishing my training for my new job. I've been consulting and working with friends & family so far, and I start taking leads this week. Wish me luck :). It's similar to design jobs I've had in the past, but it's been awhile, so it's starting to all come back. The training is intense but great. I'm excited to get started and use the creative side of my brain again. Thanks Laryl!!
And if life wasn't busy enough, we just put our home on the market. For Sale! It was a big decision, we've really liked it here- the neighborhood, the home, the ward, but it's something we've considered shortly after our adoption now that we are a family of 7. We plan to downsize our lot and upsize our home. We have almost an acre, and have loved it for our kids and get togethers, the pool's been so fun, but with Paul's bad knee now (bike accident last year), we need less yard to keep up and more home to accomodate our growing family. We feel good about this move and know if it's meant to be then it will happen, but there's no doubt we'll miss it here! If it doesn't happen in this crazy market then that's ok too, we'll make this home work (possibly add on) and be happy to stay in this great neighborhood!
Here's a few pics from our last summer escape before school started...

S & S found a new favorite sport- Tennis, of course Soccer is still #1

The boys were out wake boarding while the girls hung out on the beach. I think they were digging to China :)
I'll save the most important part for my next post, update on Sophie and Sage in first grade. I really appreciate all of your comments, both on the blog, emails, and in person. I enjoy reading your blogs and wish I had more time to comment, but thanks for sharing your experience and insight, it helped!
Sophie and Sage wishes everyone a wonderful Labor Day, they are enjoying the three day week-end, how about you?