Annual city Halloween Party, always a good time!
My little spooks! Sage, a vampire, and Sophie, a spider- they wanted to be something scary this year, but how can a face like that be scary?
A night filled with games, cotton candy, pumpkin drop from a firetruck, seeing friends and hanging out with Frankensteins monster, so nice of our city to put this on each year, all free of cost. Josh was with us, but already off with friends.
I had to laugh, Frankenstein told Trev to take our picture and posed like we were getting married. For the record, he’s on stilts, I’m not as short as I look.
The girls school party. It was pretty good, I appreciate all the parents involved and to be able to help out, but I have to say, not near as fun as their last school parties full of music, games, fun activities with friends. There were 2 stations, no music, and a Halloween story during snacktime, they hardly left their desks. I’m all for structure when needed, but not like this for a party. The parents and teachers were proud at how good and quiet the kids were, I say they were a bit bored. The girls enjoyed their art project.
Gymnastics costume party for the girls. Their coaches made it fun while still working on gymnastic skills, rotating to different activities and dancing to Halloween music. Don’t mind the poor picture quality, I was on the balcony with my small purse camera, but had to add it for memories. They had a blast.
Trunk or Treating and Chili cookoff, still eating left over Chili :) You can’t see it here, but Bruno was a she for Halloween this year, with a little TuTu. Hey, if I can’t dress up my girls in TuTu’s anymore, I’ll dress my dog in one. He’s such a good dog and didn’t seem to mind, just happy being out with the family! Trevor, my tough football player, and friend Cade.
I missed witches night out this year, the night Nick came home, so we were excited to dress up for a friends Masquerade party last night. Fun times dancing, fog machine and good music, yummy scones & treats, and a walk down the haunted river, all the screams. Thanks Lisa, for having the "fun house on the block"!
Paul set up a Hay ride tonight for the kids to Trick or Treat throughout the neighborhood, it wasn’t long before it was a full ride with neighbors, then off to Grandma B’s for a good visit and the kids did one last Trick or Treat around the block. We broke it up this year, we’ll spend some time with Grandma & Grandpa D tomorrow so we’re not so rushed. Happy Halloween!!
Check out other Halloween posts here.