Sage left, Sophie right

These first pictures from a visit to Temple Square a week before their baptism, the girls counting down the days, such pure little girls! It was a little strange when perfect strangers came up with their camera and asked if they can take a picture.

Jesus, their hero

Sage (left) and Sophie (rt), excitement and butterflies on their special day. Our family was asked to sing for the musical number at their baptism, “My Life is a Gift”, many said we harmonized well. It was a large group with seven children getting baptized, so neat directing the opening song with a full congregation singing “I Love to See the Temple”, it’s been awhile since I’ve directed music.
After the baptism, we met at the house for BBQ meatballs, Asian salad, fruit, and yummy cake to celebrate. I was lame and too busy visiting to get pictures of our guests. We are so thankful for those who joined us on their special day- their primary teachers, our new bishop, piano teacher, friends and family, so many that made it special for them. I couldn’t ask for a better baptism day for our girls, and they felt so good. Sage said she felt the Holy Spirit, I’ll bet Sophie did too.

So neat having Nick baptize Sage, and Paul baptized Sophie. And the confirmation Paul gave brought tears to my eyes, it was so meaningful.
Sage holding precious baby Libby (my nieces miracle baby). She was born 10 wks early, weighing only 2 lbs, 3 oz. She’s a fighter and is now off of oxygen and out of premie clothes, such a blessing!
Below are the girls “All About Me” forms. They filled them out independently, such similarities and differences. The bishop called them up in church to welcome them as the newest members of our ward and read about them, very cute, they have a sweet connection with our new bishop, he’s great with kids. I love that they both put Jesus as their hero!
BTW, Sophie’s favorite food is Steak, she was deciding between that and chicken enchilada’s

Love you tons Sophie and Sage, and great choice to be baptized!
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