I’m a little behind on posts good reason, I’ll give you a clue in the next post, so I’m catching up on Halloween posts before we’re on to Thanksgiving…

It’s tradition that we go to Frightmares during UEA week-end. A favorite time at Lagoon, with the extra spooky events along with the rides. Paul had to work this year, we missed him, but it was the only time we could go, and so glad he could join us for the other fun things we had planned...
all pics from my small purse camera. This ride is intense, I’ll ride it with my kids if I sit in the middle, less jerky :). My daredevil days are dwindling…

Sage was thrilled she was tall enough for all the fun rides and didn’t have to wear her wedge sandals.
Fun seeing my good friend Laryl and her cute family, we saw her here last year too :)

3-D glasses for one of the spook ally’s, pretty cool special effects

Towards the end of the night we went through some haunted houses. The girls made me laugh as they went through each one determined not to get scared, I saw them jump a few times, but usually they led the way. They were bummed I wouldn’t let them go through the teenage scary ones with their brothers. They can’t be a teenager soon enough. Great Frightmares with my family this year!