The kindergarten year end program was soo cute. They entertained us well by singing all the songs they learned throughout the year, featuring Mr. Matt at the guitar. They had us all laughing with those funky glasses, it was darling. I couldn't resist Sophie's huge smile each time she glanced my way, and Sage singing so well, making a mom proud.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Jeepers, Creepers
Monday, May 25, 2009
Sweet Sixth B-day!
Red Rover, Red Rover
Send Sage right over
Let the show begin, magician with his lovely b-day assistants
Abracadabra! Sophie
Never ending smiles! The kids giggled and laughed through the whole magic show, he was so funny and entertaining. It's been awhile since I've laughed so much, the adults & teens liked it as much as the kids :)
Magical wand & balloon animals for everyone!
We "heart" you cakes
Cute little sister, enjoying her cupcake
presents galore, loved by many
"Thank you mom & dad for the magical b-day!" Sage
"We love you!" Sophie
Sweet sixth B-Day for our sweet girls!
Thanks everyone who celebrated the girls special day with them.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Week at a Glance... Birthday wishes

We celebrated with family & Grandparents at a Sunday BBQ w/ Grandma & Uncle Mike and the week before celebrating monthly B-days at my mom's (on Mothers Day). They were thrilled to celebrate with cousins, Grandparents & Mom's.

It also marks 1 year since Paul's motorcycle accident (tore the ligaments & meniscus in his knee, ouch). He's come a long way and has healed fairly well, but it still gives out every once in awhile and he can't do many of the sports & recreating he enjoys, surgery may be in the future. It could've been a lot worse and he's handled it well, what a trooper!
Monday morning S & S woke up bright and early, so excited to finally be 6. They chose pancakes for breakfast and wanted a jacuzzi bubble bath before school. We had their favorite Chicken Enchilada's for dinner and a game night for FHE, Sophie & Sage style- Red Rover Red Rover, Simon Says, then ended with a fun round of Croquette. It was a special day, they've almost been home as long as they've been in the orphanage.
this is what happens when you mix bubble bath with a jacuzzi
Tuesday, Sage gave her last report of the year on Monkeys, Sophie's is next week. They've been studying animals all month and she chose to report on Monkey's, yup, she's my little monkey (both are) that loves to climb, my little acrobats :). She gets better every time and had fun explaining to her class all she knew about monkeys, she even faced the audience this time and spoke loud & clear. She chose "G man" to hold her microphone so she could use both hands, soo cute!
That night I got a sneak peak of Nick & Josh's Broadway Kidz performance while it was my turn for cast care during rehearsal. I can't wait to see the show, there are so many talented kids around here and the directors are great!
Wednesday I coached the girls soccer game. Their coaches were out of town so they asked me to fill in. The kids were so cute and most of them played their hearts out. Unfortunately, we had our first loss. But half our team was out of town and the team we played had much bigger kids (not that we can't handle that :). But they had fun and I enjoyed coaching. Sophie and Sage thought it was the coolest to have mom as their coach, maybe I'll coach them next year and change my track record :).
Sophie scored, love that smile!
Thursday I chaperoned Sophie & Sage's Kindergarten class to the Zoo. It was great seeing the girls with their school friends, it's such a fun class. My group of 5 had to research the Monkey so they did the Howler, and acted like monkeys, then lunch in the Pavillion.

Friday, May 15, 2009
"Mean People"...
Tonight while I put the girls down Sage told me she was scared, then Sophie said the same thing. I wondered if they saw something on TV or heard something that scared them. As we chatted, they said they were scared of the mean people from China. I asked what they meant, this is the first time they've said anything like this, they said their neighbor friend who they've started playing with lately told them the mean people from China might come and hurt them. What? I'm not one to overreact, but this is upsetting! I clearly don't know the content or how it came up, so I'm trying not to judge harshly, but I'll definitely get to the bottom of it.
We have always been up front and open with the questions they have about China and their adoption. We've kept it very positive, just like it is. We have told them age appropriate things, adding more detail as they get older. After the initial shock the girls went through (at age 3) as they left the only home they knew in the orphanage and came to perfect strangers (I sent them pictures to help prepare them, but), their whole world turned upside down for a few days then it didn't take long before they knew we were their family and we loved them dearly. They embraced us deeply and wouldn't leave our side, so happy to have a loving family! It took them awhile to trust again. They now say they never want to go back to China (I'm sure in fear that they will be left). We would love to go back for a short trip sometime soon, explaining to them they will never be left again.
I know kids can say some crazy things. I reinforced S & S that "mean people" won't come and hurt them, that they are safe in their own home with parents & brothers watching over them. I also added, the next time to tell her friend that "there aren't mean people in China that will hurt them." I believe they were well cared for and in a decent place until they could come home. I'm disappointed that they heard this, but I'm not worried, they are strong, smart, resilient girls. I'm grateful for their trust in me and knowing they can confide in me.
Tonight when I went to check on them, Sage was asleep in Shophie's bed, with her sis.
Since I'm on this topic, any ideas or examples anyone has on talking to their daughters about their birth mother? The girls have never asked (I'll probably wait until they ask, and I want it to come out right). Right now they view themselves as Americans that happened to be born in China (which they are), but with no birth mother in the picture. She is a special lady in my heart that will always be a part of them. I don't think I'll bring it up before they ask, but I want them to understand it well. We have our favorite popular adoption books we like to read together, and "The Giving Tree" is a favorite of Sage's, it brings up many quiestions about her past. Although they've never brought up their birth mother. Wish she could see their beautiful smiles...
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mother's Day...
"Children are the anchors that hold a mother to life." ~Sophocles
~Edwin Hubble Chapin
Friday, May 08, 2009
Pinewood Derby & Soccer... way to go!
Trevor, our engineer, getting his car ready for the big day
He chose the design of his favorite sportscar red Corvette, cut with dad's help, sanded, masked & painted
He learned how to change blades in a jig saw, sharpen a chisel, use a dremel tool, air brush, & polish an axle. Thanks Dad!
The boys
Way to go Trevor! This was his first & last Pinewood Derby (he'll be 11 next month). He'll never forget it.
Pep talk with one of their coaches before the game
Waiting on the sidelines, the kids are instant pals
Trev & Cade (neighbor friend) playing catch with a water bottle, how creative since they left their FB at home
Sage & school bud Max
I had to add my nice neighbor friend's comment she posted on facebook after the game (for the girls book)
Dianne,That was SO much fun seeing you and your girls tonight.. They are such fast little one's... Stay away from Sophie and Sage! They are so great at soccer and darling little girls. I love to play against people we know, kids are so much fun.. You look great Dianne. Your such a cutie.. My parents were getting a kick out of watching how fast and slick the girls play.. Great game Sophie and Sage.
So sweet, thanks Shalise
Of course it's not all about winning, it's just fun playing and fun to watch, the girls do their share of tripping over the ball and kicking it out of bounce along as they try to make goals :). The best part is seeing the sportmanship, team work, and new friendships they make. Good job!