Click on the link below to check out other beautiful faces, or enter yourself.

My little veterinarians, rescueing a grass-hopper that landed in the pool.
Looked up to see the Airplane Advertising for the Bee's game tonight (baseball). Novel and Creative, I felt like I was at the beach. Wo, there's still snow in the mountains, it was a beautiful day in the valley.
Have a great week-end!
Look at what he's doing now. They just don't stay young long. N & J think it's great having someone else to divvy up the mowing and they all like the fact they don't have to push it. The girls enjoy getting rides from their brothers.
Trevor earned his Arrow of Light tonight, the highest award in Cub Scouts, and his religious knot, Yahoo! He has had such great scout leaders and learned tons. We've worked on it at home and I'm proud of my last boy and his motivation. I'm very thankful for wonderful leaders that do so much for these boys!
"G man" is in the play too, great little actor. It was funny each time he came on stage. We were on the front row and you'd think he was performing just for Sophie and Sage, he stared at them with his cute smile as he was performing. So sweet.
Let's hear it for the boys, love 'em!
A proud big brother
Thought it would be fun to join this photography contest. This weeks theme is "Boys" so I had plenty of choices, but this is a favorite. I love the look of pure delight and gentleness on Josh's face as he holds his baby brother.
Check out other cute boy pics or enter one yourself from the link below.
Now that my tulips are gone, I'm savoring my rose garden
Memories- I got these rose bushes awhile back as little twigs, while spending Spring Break with a dear friend and our families in Hurricane (our boys were best buds, no pun intended, lol). Her parents own an amazing nursery so we got first pics on our favorites. It was also my first time hiking Zions. Such fun memories from these roses and a beautiful addition to our yard.
Now that school's out, time may be limited for blogging, but I've been asked often lately "how do you do it with five kids?" ages 6-17? So here's what works for us. Some days are definately crazy, but to prevent those days, it is key to plan ahead. Days before school got out I prepared some schedules so I can spend my time enjoying life and my family instead of figuring menu's, chores, sports, and activities last minute...
Here's a quick overview-
Sunday- BBQ
Monday- Crock Pot (this works great since it's FHE)
Tuesday- Taco Tuesday
Wednesday- Soup / Stew
Thursday- Pasta (Spaghetti, Lasagna...)
Friday- Pizza night, Movie night
Saturday- Chef's choice (take turns cooking)
Monday- Laundry / Clean bedroom
Tuesday- put away clothes (there's a lot, but we all put away our own)
Wednesday- Mow lawn (older boys), garden (girls)
Thursday- Take out garbage / Floors- sweep, mop, vacuum
Friday- Bathrooms!
Saturday- windows/ mirrors/ dust
Ya, I would love a cleaning lady (who wouldn't?). I had one once when I probably didn't need one, but now... oh well. It is essential to teach children how to work and clean up after themselves, to teach them responsibility and let them know they're needed and a valued member of the family. This is our job and it helps us keep up on everything so we can enjoy the summer, and chores only take about an hour each day.
We are flexible and save some time for sports, scouts, theater (kids play opens this week-end!) & girl stuff- dance, etc. but I've also planned a general schedule to do all the "must do" things each day-
8:00 Rise & Shine, Breakfast, get ready
9-10 Chores
10-12 Gym (this is fun for the whole family, and a great way to start out the day. I get my work out in and the kids get to swim, rock climb, BBall...)
12-1 Lunch
1-2 Reading / Quiet time (this is good throughout the summer, it keeps their minds alert and gives them some down time)
2-5 Free time (friends, sports, park...)
5:30 Dinner
Games, Dance, Scouts...
8:00 Bath, Story time, Scriptures, Prayers
8:30 Girls bedtime
9:30 Boys bedtime
11:00 Lights out
Simplify, so far so good! I always look forward to sweet summer days and I'm so thankful for my helpful kids that make our household run smoothly. Of course they're good at making messes too (the younger ones), but that's our next goal.
for 10 beautiful princesses
They sang, they freeze danced, they ate pizza, made tiara's, and most likely talked about their Prince Charming. Thanks Oli for kicking off the summer with a fabulous party for us princesses, it was charming!