My purse camera was acting up on this trip, so the pictures aren’t the best, but a trip I really want to document.

In September playing catch up we traveled for a neat celebration, honoring my grandma who would’ve turned 100, and my dad who turned 80. We gathered for lunch and enjoyed catching up, then met at the cemetery for a well deserved tribute to my wonderful Grandma.

my dad shared some old pictures of our ancestors from the early 1900’s, they had one of the first cars in their area. It was so neat hearing the history on this side of my family.

My dad and his sweet sisters.
Aunt Shirlene read some funny, touching letters, Aunt Helen and I arranged the flowers, and Aunt Gwen brought balloons. Then we all shared stories and memories of their mom/ our Grandma… from her cheerleading days in high school, to her dating days when she met my Grandpa, to the special things she said before leaving this earth. She was an amazing lady, full of spark and warmth, whom everyone loved. Never saying an unkind thing about others and she raised a wonderful family.
My favorite memories with Grandma… picking and eating fresh peas with her in the garden; seeing her face light up when we would come each summer, squealing with delight; our yummy bedtime treat, she let us pick our favorite homegrown, home bottled fruit each night before bed; she had fun activities planned and taught me how to sew and embroider; and she bought me my first bra, yup, she was an awesome Grandma!

Genuine, warm, and fun people! My parents divorced when I was 2, so we would stay with my dad for a few weeks each summer in a different state. They were always thrilled to see us and made us feel like a valued part of the family.

Happy 80th Birthday dad! (10 years older then my mom)
We love you Dad!
They adored Sophie and Sage and getting to know them better!


On the way home, we stopped at the new Brigham City Temple (the day before the dedication). What a neat addition to this town, it’s beautiful! We also toured the popular lava spot in ID, since they missed some school for this trip, I tried to make it educational. The girls and T found it fascinating.

my nephew JJ, Trevor and my cute sis

They were locking the gates, but while we were here, two sisters traveling from CO came to us and had many questions about our temple. We were happy to talk with them.
Thanks Aunt Lena for the belated birthday gifts for Sophie and Sage, so thoughtful!
Families are Forever!