Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Happy Valentines Day!


sweet Sophie signing her Valentines


We made Red Velvet Cake Pops, delicious!  This is my second time making them, the first time they set up better, but they are so good, perfect size, and fun to make and give out.  (If you don’t want to take the time to make the cake and form into balls [time consuming], doughnut wholes work as well, they’re just not as tasty)



Sophie’s decorated mailbox and frosting cookies


Sage painting her Valentine bag


Valentine parties…  I have more pics of Sage’s class this time as I try to switch off at the parties.  BTW, they enjoy being in separate classes, being their own person, and being together at recess and lunch with the same group of friends.




They found this on the doorstep when they came home- their favorite, fresh Great Harvest Cinnamon Rolls and nice card  sneaky mom

My sweetie brought me Ferrero chocolates and took me to an Italian dinner, just what a girl wants!


He found these on his pillow

Hope everyone had a great Valentines Day!

quick update on my concussion and water situation soon, January was a month to forget.


Buzybugs pixie.blogspot.com said...

Cute pictures! Looks like a fun Valentines Day- I bet the girls like to be with there own classes etc. I cannot believe how much they have grown. Such cute girls. The cake pops look so so yummy! I didn't know you could make treats to take- they sure were lucky!

likeschocolate said...

So Sweet! The cake pops look amazing!