Friday, February 09, 2007

Fun Skating Party

Our ward (Church) had a skating party tonight. It was supposed to be ice-skating, but it's been too warm for the outdoor rink, so we quickly changed to roller skating. Sophie and Sage had a ball. They couldn't quite control the scooter, but they loved the roller skating. They danced to the music and enjoyed the Hokey Pokey, and of course the yummy cookies. They were so much fun! They wore me out (Paul had to work), and wouldn't let me get more then 2 feet from them. Thanks to all those who tried to give me a hand, someday they'll allow that.:) Only a few minutes in the car headed home and they were out. My boys were too fast and I couldn't get close enough to get their picture. Everyone had a good time.
Here's my Wild Card for Donna's FFFF Challenge, get better quick!


Anonymous said...

Your girls are adorable! I have three-year old twins from China too. (Mine haven't been rollerskating though!)

Your girls look like they're just full of life! I'm sure they've brought immense joy to your family.


Unknown said...


Hi there! I found you guys from Donna's FFF...your girls are absolutely adorable!
If you have time (ha-ha) I'd love to chat with you about your experiences with toddler adoption, since we're considering it for #2! Pop over to our blog and send me some e-mail!
