Sophie in blue, Sage in pink
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Friday, July 27, 2007
FFFF Cheesy Grins...
Sage is the epitome of cheesy grins lately, here are some of my favorites
The blue swim suit pic & the dance picture are of Sophie, they can both be hams! They have contagious smiles and they keep us laughing :)
Click on Loving Lydia to see more adorable cheesy grins.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Check out my new dinette set!
Yahoo boys, here it is! They are excited to break in their new board, hope they get up- the girls love riding in the tube, but won't be long before they're jumping the wake also.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
We share everything...
Sure, we share... We have successfully shared this nasty flu bug with everyone in the family. I claim to be the last one and hope it doesn't make the rounds again, I guess we must all take our turn. Sweet Sophie and Sage are taking good care of me though, feeding me pretzels in bed and getting me children's grape flavor Tylenol. I love how Sage wispers to me and closes my bedroom door so I can get some quiet rest and how Sophie keeps giving me the tylenol bottle so I can get better fast. After all, life is no fun when mom is sick and that's how mom took care of them (without the pretzels):). What good little care takers they are, it's great to see how fast they learn and how nurturing they can be.
S & S feeling much better
The boys have been very helpful and I can't thank my mom enough for the great chicken dinner she brought over tonight. (she just happened to call me today) especially because Paul has burned all week (worked early & late, partner on vacation) Send healthy wishes our way so we can enjoy a well earned day off tomorrow with dad
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Celebrating Pioneer Day

They sat very still for the face painting, if only they would do that when I do their hair :)
Sage liked her butterfly
Sophie went for a simple red heart
Proud of their fancy bird puppets
Friday, July 20, 2007
Keeping my ducks (and geese) in a row...
Sophie, Sage, and Trev had a great time feeding the ducks and geese. It was nice to get out today- poor Sophie has been sick, and this evening Sage got it- vomiting with fever. After all, they share everything:) It's just a 24 hour deal, thank goodness. I'm so glad I'm able to comfort and help them, I hate to think about them being sick without comforts of home and mom to care for them. They are definately tough girls.
Lately, I've been trying to make sure all my ducks are in a row, making sure all is well with my family. Things can get pretty crazy at times. Just like the mother duck we saw today, watching over her ducklings, giving them enough freedom but staying close by. Scaring away everything that tries to come too close that can harm her babies. Supporting and encouraging each of them along with the healthy sacrifices involved in belonging to a rather large family. I know my ducks aren't always in a row, but there is a great sense of satisfaction and fulfillment when I stay on top of things and do my best as a mother and wife and all is well in the home. There are no better rewards for a mother then happy, healthy, secure, and loving children. Of course, it's a work in progress, but my family give me so much joy!
We had our 12 mth post placement appointment yesterday, time has flown! It's nice to have that over with and everything complete. We've enjoyed working with Anne, she was wonderful. The girls really liked her and she was very impressed with Sophie and Sage. She noticed how happy and smart and beautiful they are. Sophie and Sage enjoyed teasing her- they said they were 5 years old when she asked and the color Red was Blue (big grins on face) What turkeys, they are so much fun!
Monday, July 16, 2007
We Did It!!

But we were brave...

And we did it! Click on collage to enlarge
Mom and Dad were so proud of us. They were so far away, but we joined in, found our mark, and even danced!! The scariest part was when they left us in line, but we kept an eye on them and had many friends around to protect and comfort us. No smiles, this was serious stuff, and we were adamant about staying on our mark (left, center pic), but we felt so good for dancing, especially when it was over. We're taking a break for the rest of the summer, but we'll dance some more this Fall, it's very fun! Hugs and Kisses to Grandma D. & B., Uncle Mike, Aunt Cyrena, Uncle Tom, & Jade for coming to see our first dance performance. We know it wasn't cheap to get in (mom said). Thanks for supporting us!
Then we got to relax and enjoy the rest of the day at Raging Waters- big smiles now! We had a blast! We especially liked riding the waves in the large wave pool and floating down the Lazy River. Mom was surprised when we went head first down the orange slide (camera was put away by them). We enjoyed watching our brothers go down the big slides. Very fun day!

Thursday, July 12, 2007
Football, Scout Camp, and finally... Dance Class (Girl Stuff!)
Sophie (left) and Sage with their fun and helpful dance partner. S and S are the smallest ones in the class and the older girls are so helpful and cute with them. They still get nervous, but they join in and run back to me every chance they get. Wish us luck, hope they dance this Saturday and don't get too scared (they have made sure I am in full sight throughout their practices so this might be interesting if they can't see me at the performance)
No frills here, what boy wouldn't want to hang out with their buddies in the mountains? I chaperoned Trevor and his den to Scout Day Camp this week. They had a great time and man, did they get dirty (Trevor second from left)
Go Trev!

Go white! Josh #15

S & S quietly watching the game... Ya Right-- too busy having fun with Kirk and Trevor. Good thing they brought their backpacks, you never know when you might need something :)
This weeks FFFF is "Play Ball", this works, to see more click on Loving Lydia