Favorite part!
Very excited to show me their candy
So nice to have big brothers!
Kathy, the vampire, made a scrumptious treat bag for each of us
S & S with their cute cousin, Dallas- the cowboy

It was a festive, eventful celebration. First, my little Tinkerbell and Butterfly had a fun Halloween party at pre-school playing games, painting pumpkins, making skeletons, and trick or treating. The first thing they showed me was their bag of candy, "that's a lot of candy!" they squealed. It was hard to compete, but I enticed them with carrots, celery w/ pb, and fruit in their lunch which they picked at, then after a short nap we went to the mall to pick up some pictures. The kids had a ball trick or treating and showing off their costume at the mall. The employees were thrilled to see all the children, luckily we missed the big crowd. After dinner in the food court, we headed home to hit our neighborhood. So many people to see and so little time :).
The girls favorite part wasn't the mall, dressing up, or even the candy, but being pulled in the trailer with their brothers. It was so cute seeing them climb in and out and running to each house, keeping up with their brothers. They had smiles the whole time. It's the only way to go with their little legs on these long steep driveways. Their brothers thoroughly enjoyed taking them trick or treating, or maybe an excuse to get some candy themselves.
We always visit G & G on this fun night. The girls felt so lucky to see both Grandma's & Grandpa in the same night! Last Halloween S & S had only been home for 2 months, so they were quite nervous being around so many people. It was great to see them running around having such a good time this year! I have to admit, I have loved adding fairies & princesses to my clan of super heroes & football players. Good mix, don't you think?
This weeks FFFF is none other- Halloween, click on Loving Lydia for more cute Halloween posts.
This weeks FFFF is none other- Halloween, click on Loving Lydia for more cute Halloween posts.
Tonight, the day after, the girls grabbed their bags and asked to go trick or treating again:)
Oh my gosh, not sure what's cuter, their huge smiles or those adorable costumes!!!! Isn't Halloween fun, fun, fun? And their mode of trick or treating transportation just rocks -- hooray for awesome big brothers.
Happy Halloween!
Love the tights! So cute and so much fun.
Great costumes!! Our little jasmine loves her three big brothers, and her big sis to pieces too - wagon rides, silliness and all, so fun :)
Oh, and I forgot - our China cutie is from Guangdong also!
D. they are cuter than words! Looks like they had so much fun.
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