Monday, December 24, 2007
Christmas Eve
Sunday, December 23, 2007
"Twas the Night Before Christmas"
The girls favorite Christmas story this year
Love the pic of Sage crouching- above
Sophie & Sage excited for Christmas time!

Josh (13), my in-home photographer, took these last pics:)
Sage- red bow, Sophie- white bow
My awesome husband did the 12 days of Christmas for me this year, this song is from "Harry For The Holidays" CD he got me. Thanks hon, loved all the surprises, you are so thoughtful!!
Wishing everyone a Very Mery Christmas!
Saturday, December 22, 2007
We heart Santa

Sophie and Sage were thrilled to see Santa this year. They were brave but very nervous last year, so it was great to see how comfortable they are now. Sage did keep a close eye on me as I stepped back for their picture, but they gave their best smiles and enjoyed their chat with Santa.
I thought we were in trouble when Sophie and Sage both asked for a horse from Santa. I was happy to hear him ask "What color?" and hear they both wanted a red one. Phew, I'm sure he can bring them a red horse for Christmas, and they can always enjoy Roxy, their favorite horse across the street.
Friday, December 21, 2007
All I Want for Christmas...

"All I really want for Christmas is someone to tuck me in. A shoulder to cry on if I lose, shoulders to ride on if I win. There's so much I could ask for , but there is just one thing I need. All I really want for Christmas is a family. All I really want for Christmas is someone who'll be here to sing me Happy Birthday for the next 100 years. Its okay if they're not perfect, or even if they're a little broken. That's alright, 'cause so am I."
Our hearts go out to all the waiting families, but especially to the waiting children in orphanages & foster homes. They are often in our prayers. We know how tough the wait can be. May next Christmas your hearts & homes be filled with smiles & giggles from your child.
Year at a Glance
Wishing our family and friends a Merry Christmas and a delightful new year! Hope you’re all doing well and have had a wonderful 2007. We love hearing from you and all about you and yours.Here are a few 2007 highlights.
Nick (15) is only months away from getting his driver’s license. Beware! He’s really a good driver, just gave us a few extra wrinkles/ gray at first. He's paying for his first car and can’t wait to drive it without an adult by his side. He’s enjoying his High School experience (3.8 GPA). He’s had fun on the swim team, striving to get the 500 meter under 7 minutes, almost there! He’s President of the teacher’s quorum and very close to earning his Eagle. He endured (& enjoyed) the Pioneer Trek last summer, conquered slalom skiing, learned to wakeboard, and enjoys basketball with the ward and on his spare time. He’s turning into a fine young man and is a good big brother!
Josh (13) received his Duty to God last month. He & Nick started the year performing in Broadway Kidz at the local theatre. Well done! He played tackle football for the first time this year. It was hard, but enjoyable for the most part. He likes basketball and playing with his friends on a Jr. Jazz team. He’s involved in scouts and serves as a counselor in his deacon’s quorum. Josh is enjoying Jr. High and hanging out with his friends as much as possible. He’s a great kid!
Trevor (9) is our busybody. He played flag football this year and is ready to play tackle next year, like his brother. He was proud to show off his battle wounds and come home dirty and tired. His team was undefeated and he loved every minute of it. He is now playing Jr. Jazz basketball for the first time. He has a ways to go, but he’s enjoying it. He surprised us all and got up on water ski’s last summer, first time! He enjoys school and is a little mathematician. He loves having little shadows (Sophie & Sage) follow him around and being their big brother.
Sophie and Sage (4) are blossoming. They are exuberant and cheerful little girls. They have adjusted and bonded very well! Although a little rough on the edges, they have gone from scared little girls that won’t leave our side, to confident, trusting pre-schoolers. They are passionate about life and have a smile to melt your heart. They certainly know how to fend for themselves, what got them through their time in the orphanage, yet they are very loving and compassionate towards others. They love pre-school, little gym, and enjoyed dance last summer. Most of all, they enjoy their family. They keep us laughing and we feel incredibly blessed to have them!
Paul is still the new car manager- Honda. He works hard and enjoys training the salesmen and helping people find the best car for them. It’s a great dealership, of course it’s unpredictable at times, but he is doing well and we are thankful for his hard work and dedication. He enjoys his time with his family, enjoying his boys (loves having teenagers) and loving his daughters, not to mention his wonderful wife- hee hee, had to sneak that in. We enjoyed teaching our kids to slalom & wakeboard throughout the summer while visiting the beautiful lakes, and some fabulous alone time in Chicago last September.
I am very thankful to be home while our girls are young, like I was with our boys. They are often on the go and love to get out and do stuff, they are delightful and such a joy in my life! I’ve had to simplify things at times, being a mother of 5 now, but I feel very blessed and have enjoyed each one of my children, not to mention their fabulous father. Paul is involved with the Boy Scouts as Committee Chairman and I choose and direct the music in Sacrament Meeting each week, yikes!
We are very blessed with good friends and family. May we all spend time to reflect on our Savior now and throughout the year.
Paul, Dianne
Nick, Josh, Trevor, Sophie, & Sage
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Rules to Decorating Cookies...
Rule #2- "this isn't a job for just anyone", must be a hard worker Sophie
Rule #3- Show off your best work. "Look Mom!"
Be sure to lick the excess frosting off your fingers
Rule #5- Have Fun
Rule #6- Don't forget to Smile
even your half wink smile, Sage
Rule #7- Don't get caught swindling
Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar??
Saturday, December 15, 2007
"The Roof"
Me and my boys
They showed great etiquette well, if slouching for pictures doesn't count and they enjoyed the scrumptious meal, the music, the lights...
I think Trevor liked the hot chocolate with whipped topping best
Paul chatting with the pianist after a good tip, he was great and played each song our boys requested, Paul even snuck a request in, one of my favorites!
We'll give the girls a few more years before their first fine dining experience, after all, who can beat Chuckee Cheese's with Danny & Lindsay, they had a ball.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Proud of their Gingerbread House
I did the icing, they did all the rest
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Decorating the Christmas Tree
Click here to view more Christmas Tree Posts on Lissa's FFFF
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Fun with Danny & Lindsay
Here's how much they've enjoyed Danny and Lindsay-
While we were in Chicago, S & S spent some fun-filled days with them- only the best for our girls!
Sage- yellow, Sophie- purple
Since they rarely accept babysitting money, we thank them in other ways- dinner, etc. this was our favorite...
Yuba Lake in September, Sage & Lindsay
Thanks for the heavenly chocolate covered Macadamia Nuts

Gotta love the Maui Santa

Right after they came back, they called to hang out with Sophie and Sage- took them to Cold Stone- they know what our girls like...
They even took Sophie and Sage to a lively party at Chuckee Cheese last week. They had a ball!
We love you Danny & Lindsay!!