The cute clan saying good-bye to Nick. That first picture says it all, someone said to “look sad” Sage’s face on the right made me chuckle and Sophie helping Bruno say good-bye, ahhh. Then the happy farewell, Sage still looking concerned. They’re going to miss their bro.
For those who asked, Nick is attending BYU-I (in Idaho), an awesome university with students from all over, not easy to get accepted. It was so nice spending the day with him on campus. It’s grown a lot , but still has the same small feel and spirit to it. Nick ended up in the dorm that Paul was in (with a different name, what a pleasant surprise). The freshman and new families received a warm welcome everywhere we went.
After getting him checked in and arranged, many, many long lines, we divided and conquered, we enjoyed an authentic student lunch in the cafeteria. Now that’s come a long way, restaurant style with a variety of choices that wasn't too bad. At the parent/ new student orientation, it totally confirmed that this is the perfect place for Nick. Fun, nice size, gospel centered, and very academic- he can handle some cold weather with all of that. I was touched when the President and his wife spoke, telling us how much they love our children, reminding us to let go but stay in touch, but most impressive, he gave out his personal email address to all the new parents, just in case... Wow, of course he said to use it wisely.
Nick hit it off great with his new roommate, phew. Cool, nice kid from a good family in Texas. Nick’s probably done more these first few days of college (before starting classes) then he’s done most of his summer, besides work- longboarding with his roommate, first college dance, Luau, Tuesday devotional, movie night… So glad they keep them busy with great activities, especially in the beginning, he probably hasn’t had a chance to miss us.
I even snuck in a haircut. It was funny cutting Nick’s new roommates hair on the grass in front of the dorms with student Fiskar scissors- whatever works. The new students and adults walking by asked for a number. Poor guy stood in line for about an hour for his I-card and pic, to be told he needs a haircut first to meet dress code. The hair salons around were closed for Labor day so he was very thankful I could help, and it turned out great even with student scissors :).
Well Thursday was Nicks first day of classes. Let the homework begin, I’m sure he’ll still find time for fun.
My dad met us for dinner one night, so great seeing him
We enjoyed a fun Luau the last night. OK, the only place better then here would be BYU-Hawaii. Maybe after your mission Nick :).
I pulled in today and noticed Nick’s car in the driveway, made me think for a second he was here like any other day, he left it here for Josh… so blogging about the great details helps me not miss his so much. :) We chatted with him last night on the web cam, he’s doing great!

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