Sunday, February 27, 2011

Gotta Love It!

even if you’re ready for Spring- bought the girls summer swim suits already, but may as well keep them packed a little longer and enjoy the white stuff since this is what we woke up to…  Ugh!

DSC_5253so we went with it…




The kids would line it just right to hit the jump half way down the hill, a challenge since you can’t steer those things, Sophie giggling when she landed it.

DSC_5271 Awwww!

I was in the car for awhile getting warm, reading The Hunger Games, and watching my snow kids.  I noticed Trevor talking to a mother so I went over, she had asked if  he ever babysits and if she could get our number.  She loved how T helped her boy get up the hill and watch after him as he slid around.  Trevor is so good with kids.


Samantha said...

The story of Trevor and the mom is just lovely - you must be so proud. I only hope to raise sons like that!

Kelly said...

Oh, that snow just makes me cold looking at it!