Friday, August 21, 2009
Big tears today
They have always enjoyed school, and never had problems going except for this day, when they were so scared and young, a couple of years ago. I know they still have fears and seperation anxieties and it's starting to show this week. I'm sure it will take some time, but my heart goes out to them.
Today I got a phone call from Jan, the nice secretary. Sophie was in the office in tears worried about her lunch. Last night Josh turned 15, so with his pool party ending pretty late, I didn't get the kids lunches made and told them I'd bring them in this morning. I had just finished making them when the secretary called and let me talk to Sophie who was crying- she asked about her lunch, her dad, her sister, and when she could come home with me. It's not just a lunch issue, I'm sure this was the last straw that she couldn't handle and had a little melt down. Sophie and Sage hardley ever cry, so when they do, I know something's wrong.
I hurried the lunch over to her and gave her a big hug, she told me she didn't like school and I tickled her and told her she'll like it soon. I was hoping she'd get through today, and re-coop for the week-end, but it was too much. It breaks my heart to see her cry, I know this will be tough, even as resilient as they both are. I cried most of the way home, thinking about what they must be going through, hoping and praying that they have loving, sensitive teachers that can help them (Sophie's teacher is wonderful, she was right there with her and said it broke her heart when they did the lunch count and Sophie started crying, but I'm not so sure about Sage's teacher. With the little I've seen, she seems very strict and controlling, very different then what she's ever had). I hope it will be good in the long run, having them seperated. I plan to keep a close eye on everything and help out in their classes, and enjoy every minute I have with them when they are home, but I hate to see them suffer like this. If you have any insight or ideas, please share. Paul thinks we should put them back together in the same class... I'm torn.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Back to school & almost done training
They wanted a backpack just like Trevors, but in pink. (not the best pic of Trevor, oh well, he is still a cutie)
They were so excited to start school they could hardly sleep last night, and I'm sure a little nervous as well. This year our girls are in seperate classes. As we prepared them and talked about it, Sage was fine with it, but Sophie wasn't so sure she liked the idea. When we checked their class list last Friday, they were so happy to see that they each have great friends from last year in their classes. They liked the idea of having lunch at school, and said they didn't need a heart on their hand anymore now that they're in first grade (do they have to grow up?), although they almost changed their minds. They were so cute & brave when I walked them in and after school they joyfully told me all about their day- Sophie said it's ok now that she has her own class, but they were happy to be together again. Phew, so far so good.
Josh protecting his sisters from the scary parts yesterday, so cute. They must be watching Peter Pan or something :) Ya, they kinda like their big brothers, and vice versa!
Changing gears, I'm excited to dig into my training this week, my last big one is on Wednesday before I start taking leads. I'll quickly share a little. This job (Custom Decorators, Inc.) couldn't have come at a better time, I'll be starting shortly after the kids go back to school. I'm so thankful I've been able to stay home with my children and raise them, be with them, teach them, play with them, it's the best job I'll ever have (and the hardest, at times :). They've been able to be involved in sports, dance, play dates, etc., and also enjoy their family. Thanks hon for always working so hard and taking such good care of us. We appreciate it every single day! Although life will be busier, I'll still be here for my kids (I'm working part time while they're in school). I'm looking forward to using my degree and enjoying another passion- "design / decorating". A big thanks to my designer friend & colleague for the referral and who will be mentoring me in the next little while. I'm thrilled to be starting up again and working with her, so glad we ran into each other a couple of years back, by no mistake! Can't wait!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Sisters on Gotcha Day...

w/ mom
Three year "Gothcha Day"

They had their first official ballet class last week, there might be a ballerina in their somewhere. Love my little girls!
These last three years have been amazing, wild, and great, so glad they're home!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
We received one today! Many of you know that when we adopted our girls our little Sage had Hep B. We were told from the start that one of them had Hep B, so we did our homework and were prepared to get her the help needed. From day one she showed no signs or symptoms of illness, both girls have been very healthy and rarely even get a cold. I've payed attention to their diet, trying to keep it healthy, and we scheduled her lab work each year. The results were great, her body was resolving the Hep B, one of the few that is getting rid of it. First not showing up in the blood and now there are no signs of it anywhere, not even a trace in the liver, Wow! But we faced a kink last time her blood was drawn, something a bit more serious. It was shortly after Paul changed jobs with a new company so we were in between insurances. I've been worried ever since we heard that news, but couldn't see how it could be. So, a couple of weeks ago we took Sage in for more tests and I finally received the results today, the final results. It was a false positive, our prayers were answered! She is now cured of Hep B and never had the other thing they thought. She doesn't even need to go back for her yearly blood work. It's such great news! I'm so grateful for many blessings, a loving Heavenly Father, great doctors, and our sweet, healthy, happy Sage.
Friday, August 07, 2009
Three years ago today...
Happy Gotcha Day Sophie and Sage
Making a Chocolate Cake for mom
Happy B-day mom
I'll post about that later.
Sophie and Sage, we love you tons!!