Clear sky’s and Spring weather- nice to get the kids out and enjoy the park, backyard, outdoor sports. Can’t wait to wake up our yard!
Pandora- listening to my favorite music- some Nora Jones for relaxing at home or cooking, Rachel Portman or Enya before my design appointments, Lifehouse to get get chores done, Josh Groban or Michael Buble for hanging out with my honey, and Disney for fun times with my kids.
American Idol- I’m not a big TV watcher, but I ♥ AI. My top six are Paul, Casey, & Stefano for the boys, and Thea, Pia, & Haley for the girls. There are some good one’s this year and the judges are great, Robby should’ve got the wild card last week though.
My honey’s Turkey Burgers on the grill. The little things he does all the time like- making extra eggs in the morning while I’m getting the kids off, he’ll walk in with a yummy breakfast plate for me. And how he starts the first load of laundry after our weekly “clothes separating party”, knowing what a big chore it is. I could go on… Thanks baby!
Hunger Games, can’t put it down.
Love notes. Sophie and Sage like to surprise me with sweet notes like this one from Sage…
“Dear Mom, Thank for being so nice. I like you. You are the best mom ever. You are very sweet. Thank for let us go fun place and play with us. You are awesome (she spelled it right!). Also you are a good mom. XOXOXO Love Sage”
makes my day
My job, ♥ it! Of course there are times it doesn’t make me smile, but it’s usually very rewarding. I enjoy what I do, helping my clients,and using my degree while my kiddos are at school.
The good group of kids my teenagers hang out with

“your answer is somewhere in my heart, think you can find it?” guess who’s going to Prom?
And getting to know wonderful people through blogging, it’s great staying in touch, wish I had time to comment more regularly.
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What makes you smile?