Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Merry Christmas

Can't believe I'm finally doing my Christmas post, I'm so behind. Here it is, better late then never, crooked star and all.

Sophie & Sage were delighted with each little gift!

So were the boys, and of course thrilled with the big one

Ooohs and Aaahs of joy!

Last year was the girls first real Christmas, so they were figuring it all out. This year, they knew what to expect and they were captivated and loved every part of Christmas! Visits with Santa, seeing baby Jesus at the Live Nativity, Festival of Trees, Gingerbread Houses, building a snowman with brothers, and decorating Christmas cookies. Christmas morning was magical. We didn't go overboard, just looks that way, big family, but everyone was thrilled and they got what they hoped for, even a big surprise. The girls really liked their play cell phones & lap tops, sit 'n spin, and of course their red horsie from Santa. I'm sure you can guess what the boys were thrilled about. Wii had a lot of fun Christmas day, even the girls had fun bowling on the Wii! We spent the rest of the day at my parents with more fun aunts, uncles, & cousins to play with. Good food, Nice gifts, & Great company. A fun filled Christmas!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!


Anonymous said...

Wow! It looks like everyone got what they wanted! Definately better late than never!

insanemommy said...

Of course they're good. They are so darn precious. Looks like you had the bestest of Christmas's!

Happy New Year to you.

Melanie said...

what a fun Christmas! Everyone looks so excited! Your blog looks fabulous! Our blog is http:// web dot mac dot com / rqcurtis.