Tuesday, July 18, 2006

We got our TA!!!!

Did you hear the scream? Our TA came!! I shouldn't be surprised, so many of you were praying for this. It just had to come today! As the evening came, I tried not to lose hope and figured we would get the call early tomorrow, I'm used to waiting by now. Then the call came at 6:38 pm with the wonderful news. We have approval to go get our girls from China. Yahoo!!! Although I was expecting this, I almost had to pinch myself. We have waited so long for this approval and we are just thrilled to have it actually happen. I have to thank our family and friends again for their strength and prayers, and especially our Heavenly Father, for allowing this to happen. We're not sure why it was delayed so long, but in the end, their is a reason for it all and the timing will be great!
We are shooting for a Consulate Appointment of Aug. 21, that's the earliest one, since we "get" to be their for 3 weeks now. That get's the boys home in time for school, and will give me time to bond, love, enjoy, teach, and be their for our girls.
Sweet Sophie and Sage, it won't be much longer. Your family will be there soon!!
We are so happy for all the other families that received their TA's today also. It's so neat to see so many children connected to their family and recieve a home.

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Anonymous said...
